Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Game Review : Faster Than Light (FTL)

At last, I decided to buy this phenomenal indie game called Faster Than Light. According to their website FTL Game, this game is about becoming your own star ship captain. This game was developed by Matthew Davis and Justin Ma. This is the third game I played as star ship captain after Star Command and Battlestation : Harbinger (now called Battlevoid : Harbinger). 

Review : 

This game is quite simple. It was very user friendly. There's the tutorial and you can choose the easy mode for learning. But I have to warn though, it was still quite challenging even in easy mode ^^. Basically you just need to bring your spaceship to certain place for delivering secret document (if I were not mistaken). But during your journey, there will be many enemies that you have to defeat. The mechanic itself is like Sims Simulation. You control the space ship and deliver the energy and crew for healing, shield, weapon, control, fuel, etc. You have limited energy and decide how to deliver the energy for each division to maximize your ship chance for winning. After you defeat the enemy, you will gain points to upgrade your space ship. 

I quite like the game. It was very fun. Not too hard and not too easy. Unfortunately, it use perma death. It means you cannot stop in the middle of the game. When you die, you really die and you have to restart from the beginning. I will be honest. I am not fan of perma death, especially for long game like FTL. Other than that, it was a good and challenging game. You have to think how to defeat the enemy using limited resources. Sometimes the same strategy cannot work with strong enemy. The visual itself is quite easy on the eyes. You won't have any trouble differentiate what is what. The price is also quite affordable. But it's better if you can buy it when it was on sale. I buy it on sale for about 3$ on Steam. I recommend this game for people who want to play space ship simulation game. 

Rating : 7 of 10


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